API endpoints related to quizzing
POST /quizzes/getQuizzes
Gets data for all quizzes, paginated, which can be searched, filtered, and sorted
POST /quizzes/import
Creates a new Quiz from a SurveyJS JSON output
GET /quizzes/:quizid
Gets the SurveyJS readable JSON for the provided `quizid`
POST /quizzes/delete
Deletes quiz and quiz revision for each valid quiz id provided
POST /quizzes/attach/guide
Create a new revision for the guide and save a new guide_quiz_revision with the new guide_revisionid and the current quiz_revisionid
POST /quizzes/attach/wiki
Save a new wiki_quiz_revision with the current wiki_revisionid and the current quiz_revisionid
POST /quizzes/sessions/save
Create a new session for the user with the given quizid if no session exists or update the response_json if a session already exists for the user with the given quizid
POST /quizzes/sessions/submit
Saves a quiz session once the quiz has been completed.
POST /quizzes/sessions/cancel
Cancel a session for the user with the given quizid, if no session exists return simply ok, if session exists update the cancelled and end_date
GET /quizzes/submissions/:sessionid
Returns the Quiz results for the given Quiz sessionid
GET /quizzes/sessions
Get all quiz sessions limited to what a user has access to. If admin: All sessions, if User: Their own sessions, and if Team Owner: Their own submissions and submissions for all team members
POST /quizzes/sessions/bulkCancel
Cancel multiple quiz sessions at one time. Must be an Admin or Team Owner to bulk cancel quiz sessions. Returns an array containing the `quiz_sessionid` for all successfully cancelled sessions and an array containing any invalid ids.
PATCH /quizzes/sessions/userInvalidateAll/:userid
Force invalidate multiple documents for a user. Requires admin privilege.